I am a published award winning professional photographer specializing in digital photographic formats with more than ten years of experience in the digital field. I specialize in natural landscapes, wedding photojournalism, environmental portraits, corporate events, and at this point I will attempt just about any photographic challenge.
My passion for the image that can be and the art of photography make me very sensitive to the natural beauty that is all around us. I try to capture that in every picture I take and show that to the world. My interest in photography has been passion for the last twenty years or so. The advent of digital technology has finally caught up to where I have always felt photography should be. Digital image capture has allowed me to become much more adventurous in my compositions and image manipulation in the digital dark room has opened up all new vistas for experimentation.
I am a life long resident of Nebraska and am currently employed by the US Air Force at Offutt AFB Nebraska in the Multimedia center as a staff photographer and graphic designer.. I and the staff at Rohan Photography LLC, specialize in creating artistic event photographs and are absolutely committed to providing a quality experience, a quality product and the highest possible integrity to every job.